Command Line Interface

General Concepts

SiteSupra uses Symfony console component for console operations. Boris is used for REPL shell.

The main console executable is supra/cli.php. Running it without parameters (like php supra/cli.php) will give you a list of all available commands.

By default CLI loads with cli environment and debugging enabled.

CLI Events

You can use events in your console application; you can use Symfony\Component\Console\Event\ConsoleEvent or Supra\Core\Event\ConsoleEvent (providing methods getData/setData) for such cases. Currently, there’s only one CLI-only event in SiteSupra, Supra\Package\Framework\Event\FrameworkConsoleEvent::ASSETS_PUBLISH, provided by SupraPackageFramework, that is fired running supra/cli.php assets:publish. This event can be used to copy some non-standard assets to your webroot (to simplify things, you can implement Supra\Core\Event\ConsoleEventListenerInterface for your listener and use webRoot and webRootPublic keys of $assetsPublishEvent->getData() to determine copy locations).

Core Commands

SiteSupra does not provide any built-in commands itself; on a plain installation you have help and list commands, that are standard for Symfony Console. Only two argumens (--env, or -e, for environment, defaulting to cli, and --debug, defaulting to true), are present.

Package Commands


This package does not provide any CLI commands.


This package provides the following commands:

  • groups:add
  • groups:list
  • groups:remove
  • groups:update
  • users:add
  • users:list
  • users:remove
  • users:update

these are self-explanatory and documented inline (try, for example, supra/cli.php help groups:update - you’ll like it!).


This package does not provide any CLI commands.



Each package can contain assets (in Resources\public directory). Publishing assets means that this directory will be symlinked (sorry, no hard copy option yet) into web/public/PACKAGE_NAME. Supra cleans up package name, so assets from SupraPackageCms will we symlinked into web/public/cms, enabling you to access them from the frontend.


Clears SiteSupra cache. Cleans up all cache entries, if no argument is provided, or a particular segment. For more information SiteSupra cache see Cache chapter of this manual.


Shows info about SiteSupra cache and segments:

| Directory      | Size  | Files |
| assets_404     | 0.13M | 14    |
| cms_assets     | 1.80M | 2     |
| combo          | 1.06M | 27    |
| config         | 0.04M | 8     |
| doctrine       | 0.04M | 5     |
| frontend_cache | 0.02M | 1     |
| twig           | 0.02M | 7     |


Dumps information about container parameters and services:

Container parameters:
| Parameter                               | Value                                           |
| directories.supra_root                  | /home/developer/www/composer-test/supra         |
| directories.project_root                | /home/developer/www/composer-test               |
|                     | /home/developer/www/composer-test/storage       |
| directories.cache                       | /home/developer/www/composer-test/storage/cache |
| directories.web                         | /home/developer/www/composer-test/web           |
| directories.public                      | /home/developer/www/composer-test/web/public    |
| environment                             | cli                                             |
| debug                                   | TRUE                                            |
| cms.media_library_known_file_extensions | array                                           |
| results truncated...                    |                                                 |
Container services:
| ID                                                                   |
| application                                                          |
| config.universal_loader                                              |
| routing.router                                                       |
| kernel.kernel                                                        |
| exception.controller                                                 |
| http.request                                                         |
| cache.driver                                                         |
| cache.cache                                                          |
| results truncated...                                                 |


Lists enabled Packages (showing both package name and class).

Doctrine-specific commands

The following commands are directly mapped the their Doctrine counterparts:

  • doctrine:cache-clear:metadata
  • doctrine:cache-clear:query
  • doctrine:cache-clear:result
  • doctrine:convert-encodings
  • doctrine:generate:proxies
  • doctrine:schema:create
  • doctrine:schema:drop
  • doctrine:schema:update

Please refer to Doctrine documentation should you need help on that.


Displays all registered routes, patterns, resulting controller, and whether the route is exported to fronted:

Defined routes:
| Name                                 | Pattern                                               | Controller                         | Frontend |
| framework_combo                      | /_framework_internal/combo/{paths}                    | Framework:Combo:combo              | No       |
| framework_routes                     | /_framework_internal/routes                           | Framework:Routing:export           | No       |
| cms_dashboard                        | /backend                                              | Cms:Dashboard:index                | Yes      |
| cms_dashboard_applications_list      | /backend/applications-list                            | Cms:Dashboard:applicationsList     | Yes      |
| results truncated...                 |                                                       |                                    |          |


Creates default user (username admin, password admin) and loads some initial templates so you can access backend and create new pages.


Launches REPL shell, with pre-set $container and $application variables. You can play around with some SiteSupra code without having debug controllers:

[1] supra> $container->getRouter()->generate('cms_dashboard');
// '/backend'
[2] supra>



Warning! There is a risk of losing your data. Please don’t forget to backup your database prior to running the command.

SiteSupra uses custom NestedSet implementation. It’s quite stable and almost bulletproof, although may need in repair from time to time.

Writing your own Command

See Writing Your Own Command for a complete reference.