Installing SiteSupra

SiteSupra is based on Symfony components and manages dependencies with composer. The installation process is pretty straightforward. However, you may consider checking Software Requirements first.

For first time users we would recommend to start with cloning SiteSupra Demo site. If you would like to contribute feel free to clone SiteSupra core.

Installing and Configuring SiteSupra Demo Site

Cloning SiteSupra Demo Site

SiteSupra source code is hosted at github. Clone or checkout SiteSupra into your work folder.

$ git clone sitesupra

Configuring SiteSupra Demo Site

To configure SiteSupra on your computer follow the next steps :

  1. Run composer update to update dependencies;
  2. Create an empty database;
  3. Copy supra/config.yml.example to supra/config.yml and configure database connection;
  4. Create tables by running php supra/cli.php doctrine:schema:create
  5. Setup assets php supra/cli.php assets:publish;
  6. Load fixtures php supra/cli.php sample:fixtures:load storage/fixtures;

That’s all! Now configure web server of your choice (see chapter Configuring Web Server below) and enjoy SiteSupra.

Installing and Configuring SiteSupra Core

If you would like to contribute to SiteSupra project consider to checkout SiteSupra core. Please note SiteSupra core doesn’t contain any web site or blocks. You may need to add and configure them by yourself.

Cloning SiteSupra Core

SiteSupra source code is hosted at github. Clone or checkout SiteSupra into your work folder.

$ git clone sitesupra

Configuring SiteSupra

To configure SiteSupra on your computer follow the next steps :

  1. Run composer update to update dependencies;
  2. Set up web server permissions for storage folder (you can stick to plain old chmod 777 or use ACL approach as Symfony does);
  3. Create an empty database;
  4. Copy supra/config.yml.example to supra/config.yml and provide database credentials;
  5. Create tables by running php supra/cli.php doctrine:schema:create;
  6. Load initial fixtures by running supra/cli.php supra:bootstrap;
  7. Publish assets with supra/cli.php assets:publish.

All done! Now just point your web server of choice to web directory in SiteSupra project’s root.

Configuring Web Server


Point DocumentRoot to the web directory in SiteSupra project’s root. Allow to follow symlinks and configure rewrite rules as listed below.

Options +FollowSymlinks

RewriteEngine On


RewriteRule ^ - [L,NS]
RewriteRule ^.*$ /index.php$0 [L,NS]

Rewrite rules for .htaccess are provided in .htaccess file that comes along with SiteSupra source code.


Point root to the web directory in SiteSupra project’s root. Configure rewrite rules as shown below:

location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php;